AUTOMAX Multitest represents a step change in versatility that allows modular upgrades from basic failure tests up to advanced displacement controlled tests. he console is supplied with DATAMANAGER software for standard failure tests to EN and ASTM, but with additional frames, accessories and dedicated software packages, your system can easily perform many tests including:
- Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson Ratio determinations (with optional software package 82-SW/EM)
- Tension on steel rebar (with optional software package 82-SW/UTS)
- Displacement controlled tests for FRC/Shotcrete characterization (with optional software package 82-SW/DC)

AUTOMAX PRO is CONTROLS’ new top-of-the-range Compact-Line compression machines and is the first choice for automatic standard failure tests.

300 and 300/15 kN AUTOMAX PRO, Top-ofthe-Range Automatic Compression-Flexural
Cement Testers

4 frames configuration - 3000 kN for concrete
compression, 350 kN for concrete flexure and
double 300-15 kN for cement testing

AUTOMAX MULTITEST Computerized Control

Automatic Vicat Apparatus

Water Permeability Apparatus

Automatic Programmable Mortar Mixers

Gyratory Compactors for Cement and Concrete - GALILEO

Automatic Motorized Pull-Off Bond Strength